If you have any questions about those rules, feel free to ask them there, in this topic.
> Changes in the rules
We reserve the right to modify anytime the server rules. Players have the duty to be aware of the server rules.
Any new modification will be posted in this topic. Press the follow button to be notified when something modifies in the server rules.
> Inactivity
Players who have less than 10 hours (real hours, not paydays) in the last 60 days and have a house or a business will remain without those.
If you know that you can't play, we advise you to sell your goods to other player.
> Offensive language
It's forbidden to use a language that can offense another player.
It's forbidden to insult, threaten or talk vulgary with another player.
Abbreviated insults, censured or written in another language are also sanctioned.
Any insult is sanctioned with mute, grave insults are punished with mute and warn.
Mute time is 30 minutes + 15 minutes for each mute received in the last 30 days.
Eg: if a player receives mute 3 times in the last 30 days, he'll receive a 75 minutes mute if he'll be sanctioned again.
Players who are part of a faction are punished as normal players, but can be complained as well at the faction complaints where the leader will punish them, if it's the case.
Insults on chats used to contact admins (/report, /n) are sanctioned with 1-14 days ban, depending on the gravity and the player level.
Insults adressed directly against an admin are sanctioned with 3-7 days ban at first attempt and even permanent ban at next attempts.
Insults against the server are sanctioned with 3-30 days ban.
Public chat insults (/ad, /live, /gov, /news) are sanctioned with 3-30 days ban, depending on the player level and the gravity of the violation.
Insults between clan members, on the clan chat (/c) are not sanctioned.
Insults on the faction chat (/f) are punished by the faction leader.
Insults on user panel comments will be sanctioned with 1-30 days suspend, depending on the situation.
Threatenings can be punished with 1-14 days ban, depending on the gravity.
Any flood threatening is sanctioned with 14 days ban at first violation and permanent ban at the next violation.
In most cases, proofs older than 24 hours are not taking into account (photos, videos, etc.).
> Deathmatch (DM)
It's considered Deathmatch (abbreviated DM) attacking a player or a vehicle without a proper reason.
Attacking a player or a vehicle is allowed only if you have the player who you attack permission, if you're part of a faction who's job is to attack other players (mafia wars, target attacking for hitmans, etc) or if you attack a police man.
Even the accomplice at DM can be punished with jail. For example, those who drive a car where are one or more persons who shot from it, it's considered accomplice at DM and it's punished with jail. You can use the /eject command on those who shot from the car you drive, otherwise you'll receive jail for DM accomplice.
DM is punished with 30-120 minutes jail and weapon license suspending for 5-20 hours.
Time spent in jail is for 30 minutes + 15 minutes for every jail received from an admin in the last 30 days.
If a player makes DM with fists/legs (or the baseball bat/katana) the sanction is 30 minutes jail.
Eg: if a player receives jail 3 times in the last 30 days, he will receive a 75 minutes jail if he'll be punished again.
DM on admins/helpers who are helping other players can be punished with kick or even warn. DM at events can be sanctioned with kick or even warn.
It's considered kamikaze killing more players by intentionally exploding a vehicle and is sanctioned with warn.
Hitting / attacking other players with a vehicle is considered Drive-By (DB) and is sanctioned with jail.
Cutting other players with the helicopter's blade is considered Drive-by and is sanctioned with jail.
In most cases, proof older than 24 hours are not taken into account (photos, videos, etc.).
> Scams, forbidden businesses, mistakes
If you need help to make a business (selling/trading goods), please use /report to call for an admin/helper to assist.
If there's no admin available, we recommend you to make screenshots (or videos) with the exchange being carried out to help you in case there's a scam.
Trying to exchange goods between the bugged servers is sanctioned with warn at first attempt, 7 days ban at the second, 15 days ban at the third and permanent ban at the fourth attempt. In some cases, it can be a permanent ban from the first time.
Scams are sanctioned with 3-7 days ban at first attempt and 7 days - permanent ban at the next attempts. In some cases, a permanent ban can be given from the first attempt.
Players who obtain goods from scams will remain without their acquired goods.
Players who have more accounts can receive ban on all accounts if we consider that this is necessary.
It's forbidden to ask player to sell your car for hidden (premium color) on his car or to clear his kilometers. It's punished with 3 days ban at first attempt, and 7-30 days ban at the next attempts.
Players who sell their car with 1$ to receive hidden (premium color) or kilometers clear from another player are punished with 3 days ban at the first attempt (forbidden businesses). At next attempt, the player will not receive the car sold with 1$.
Hiddens can be sold ONLY using the /sellhidden command. Any other method to put hidden is forbidden and punished with 3 days ban.
It's forbidden to ask a player for his TeamViewer datas (or another program used for remote control) to help you with a business.
Selling your account is forbidden. Trying to sell your in-game account is punished with permanent ban. Exchanging accounts are also sanctioned with permanent ban.
Attempts at making businesses with goods that are not related to the game (steam accounts, items in another games etc) are punished with 7 days ban at first attempt and permanent ban at the next attempt.
Businesses with goods that are not related to the game are punished with 7-14 days ban. At next attempt, with permanent ban.
The attempt to buy an account is punished with 7-14 days ban.
In case of transfering money or selling a good (house/business/car) to another player by mistake, admins won't help you with anything. You have to be careful to who you transfer money.
In case of wrong writing of a price, the player will be helped to recover the money difference, and the player who took advantage of the price mistake will be punished with 3 days ban if the scammed player has clear proofs that he discussed another price.
Borrowings are made on your own responsability. If you borrow to someone money / cars, do not expect admins to help you to recover your money. /ad-s like 'searching for a moneyelender', 'i'm borrowing money', 'search for someone who can borrow me money' are forbidden. Players who ask to borrow money repeteadly with the intention of scamming will be sanctioned for scamming.
Admins won't get involved in recovery of won/lost money at bets (deagle, /dice, something else).
It's forbidden to ask a player for money/goods to help him enter in a faction. It's sanctioned with 7-14 days ban or permanent, depending on the gravity and the past of the player. Players who are part of a faction will be also punished with 100 FP uninvite.
Players who ask for skype/mess ids to talk about businesses can be sanctioned for scamming.
- It's forbidden to make events without giving the prize (ex: simon says event where you kill all the participants). It's sanctioned with /warn at first attempt and 3 days ban after.
- It's forbidden to make events in your own business/a friend business and to put players to enter/exit from the biz to make money. It's punished with /warn at first attempt and 3 days ban after.
- It's forbidden to make events where you ask players to give you money (ex: first who give me 100.000 receives 200.000). It's sanctioned with warn + removal of the money won at first attempt and 3 days ban + removal of the money won from event at second attempt.
Events should be made for fun, not for you to get in win. It can be applied the same punishments for another events made only for the organiser to win money.
- Those who receive or offer cash / goods to avoid a complaint made against them on panel or to remove them will be punished.
> Accounts hacking
Hacked accounts are in most cases accounts borrowed to friends, sold accounts, accounts lost by players who put their password on any site who promise that they offer money/premium points/cheats.
There wasn't any hacked account because of security problems with forum/panel/user panel. If there's a security problem, my account will be hacked first.
Account hacking programs doesn't exist.
In most cases, it's impossible to check if an account has been hacked or not.
Players are responsible of their account security, not the admins.
Most of bugged players haven't had their account hacked and won't ever have it hacked.
It's not worth to waste time checking logs/ips to try to help some players to recover their account after they gave the account password to their friends/sold them/downloaded 'hack_dice.exe'. We preffer that in this time to occupy with server updates or server organising.
To not have your account hacked, we recommend you to not give your password to your friends, set a valid mail on your account, don't insert the password from bugged.ro on other sites, don't write email's password on another sites, don't try to make illegal businesses on server, don't download cheats or mods, chose a complicated password.
- don't give your account password to your friends
- set a valid mail on your account
- don't write the bugged.ro password on another sites. check the adress bar before writing a password elsewhere. if it's not redpanel.bugged.ro, greenpanel.bugged.ro bluepanel.bugged.ro or forum.bugged.ro, don't write your password.
- don't write your mail's password on another sites.
- don't try to sell/buy accounts on bugged servers.
- don't download cheats. there are a lot of cheats that are used to stole passwords.
- chose a complicated password. don't use your name, birth year, your favorite football team name in your password.
It's forbidden to login on another player account. If you login on another player accounts and that player complaints it's considered accunt hacking. If a player retires and wants to give you their goods, he can do that with /sellcar, /transfer, etc. Account hackings are punished with 3-14 days ban or permanent ban, depending on the gravity.
> Mods and cheats
A mod is a modification of the game (file, program) which allows you to have abilities that players who have an unmodified game doesn't have.
A mod that offers you big advantages against other players it's considered cheat.
Mods that doesn't offer advantages against other players are allowed. The others are forbidden.
Using forbidden mods is sanctioned with kick, warn or ban, depending what the mod does.
Examples of forbidden mods/cheats:
- mods/cheats who modifies the speed or how you can control a vehicle (speedhack) - any mod who modifies a vehicles speed, acceleration time or how the car is controlled it's forbidden, that includes but it's not limited at: speedhack mods, drift mods, mods who increase the car resistance, NOS mods, mods for faster acceleration. using this type of cheats/modes is sanctioned with 30 days ban.
- mods/cheats used for teleportation / faster running, flying (fly hack, teleport, speedhack) - any mod who allows you to get in a place faster is forbidden. that includes, but doesn't limit at, teleport mods, fly mods. using those types of cheats/mods is punished with 30 days ban.
- mods/cheats used to jump higher, climb on walls (parkour, funny animations etc) - any mod that allows you to jump higher, climb walls etc it's forbidden. using those types of cheats/mods is punished 3 days ban at first attempt and 7-30 days for the next attempts. advanced players (high level and/or are part of a faction) are punished dirrectly with 7-30 days ban.
- mods for using animations who are not in the game, animations that can't be used by normal players, are forbidden and sanctioned with kick at first attempt for newbie players and warn at first attempt for players with level higher than 5 and 2 days ban at next attempt.
- mods/cheats used to shot better (aimbot, norecoil) or to modify the damage received/made by weapons - any mod/cheat who can move a players target or modify the bullets trajectory is forbidden. it's also forbidden to have in PC those mods/cheats. players who have cheats in PC/used cheats in the past and have traces of those in PC, are not welcomed on the server and we recommend them to play on another server. the sanction for that type of mods/cheats is 90 days ban.
- mods/cheats used to see the players nicknames from a higher distance or to see through objects (nametag hack, wallhack) - any mod that helps you to see a players nickname from a higher distance or to see through objects is forbidden. sanction for that type of mods/cheats is 90 days ban.
- mods/cheats used for fast connecting on the server - any mod who can be used for faster connecting on the server it's forbidden. using that type of mod is sanctioned with 7 days ban.
- mods/cheats used to not be marked as AFK on the server - any mod that can be used to not be marked as AFK by the server is considered autoclicker and is sanctioned with 3 days ban at first attempt, 7 days at the second and 30 days for the next attempts. same sanctions applies for the objects put on keys to not be considered AFK or animations used by the game.
Hiding of mods/cheats, not cooperating with admins, modification of different logs used by the operation system/game are also forbidden.The sanction for those actions is 7 days ban.
Proofs editing will be sanctioned with 7-14 days ban at first attempt and permanent ban at next attempt. In some cases a permanent ban can be received from the first attempt.
Level 1-3 players will be sanctioned with permanent ban for using teleport, speed, better shooting or fly hacks.
Players banned for cheats who help them shot better, flood threatenings, disconnect during a TW test or trying to hide used mods won't be able to buy unban using premium points.
Those banned for using hack/cheats/aim/invisible hacks risk permanent ban on all their accounts.
Promoting / distributing cheats is sanctioned with warn or ban, depending on the situation.
> Bug abuse / NON-RP Behaviour
Using any bug from the game or server is forbidden.
Taking advantage of server bugs to get money/goods is sanctioned with permanent ban.
Using a map based bug to teleport is sanctioned with 3 days ban if you affect other player gameplay (ex: teleport to get rid of a police man).
Using a map based bug to not be arrested by a cop is sanctioned with warn.
Is forbidden to use different keys or commands to stop weapon's animations (c-bug/c-shot). It's sanctioned with warn at first attempt and 3-7 days ban at the next attempts.
It's forbidden to enter repeteadly in a building to get rid of a cop. That action is sanctioned with warn.
It's forbidden to use the /heal command to not be killed by a cop. That action is sanctioned with warn.
It's forbidden to exit the game to avoid cop interaction. That action is sanctioned with warn.
> Disturbing other players
Any thing made to disturb other players can be sanctioned.
That includes, but doesn't limit at: disturbing players while taking driving exam, PNS blocking, street blocking.
It's forbidden to post personal informations about a player without their approval (photos, adress, phone number etc.). It's sanctioned with warn at first attempt and permanent ban at next attempt. In some cases it can be sanctioned dirrectly with permanent ban.
/ad posted only to make fun of something are forbidden, /ad where other players are insulted, etc.
/ad is used only to make an advertisment about something game related, for example to organise an event, to sell a car, for clan recruitment, etc.
/ads used only for fun can be punished with warn or even ban, depending on the situation.
> Multiple accounts
It's not forbidden to have more than an account, but in case of some sanctions on an account, it's possible to be sanctioned on all of your accounts, if we'll consider it necessary. Ex: a player which occupies with scam from accounts with lower level will receive permanent ban on all his accounts, including those with higher level.
As well, for transfering money/goods between accounts, the admins/helpers won't help you.
If you chose to trust a player to help you with goods transfer between accounts, admins won't help you to recover your money if you're scammed.
> Clans
It's forbidden to sell a clan. The attempt to sell a clan is punished with 3 days ban at first attempt and 7, 14, 30 days ban at next attempts.
It's forbidden to ask for money/materials/vehicles for rank up or invite in clan. Money asking for rank up/clan invite is punished with warn at first attempt and 3, 7, 14, 30 days ban for next attempts.
> Rules for players who are part of a mafia
You're not allowed to park personal vehicles near the WAR zone only to form a barricade, also you're not alowed to tell other players from your action to do that. Those who are caught parking cars in WAR zone are punished with warn by the admin.
You're not alowed to climb on inaccesible building during the WAR (building that cannot be accessed by foot, without a vehicle help, etc.). It's punished with warn.
You're not allowed to use ASI/CLEO mods, mods who are injected in game (.dll, .exe etc), mods who modify animations (ped.ipf, python). Using illegal mods is sanctioned with 7 days ban.
Recent using of programs who have the purpose of modifying the game (cheat engine, game editor etc) or deleting the traces of recently executed programs will be considered attempt at hiding mods/cheats and sanctioned with 7 days ban.
Modifying the samp.dll file is sanctioned with 7 days ban.
> Advertisments
Players who advertise other SA:MP servers will be punished with 30 days ban if they have level higher than 5 or permanent ban if they have level 1-4.
The ban is given even if the advertisment was made by mistake or another player had account acces.
Advertisment made on user panel is sanctioned with 30 days game ban and 30 days suspend on panel.
> Other rules
- Those who are part of a faction but breaks the server rules only to get uninvite / to /quitgroup will be sanctioned by an admin. The same applies to those who breaks the rules while they don't have a faction leader.